Exploring JITServer on the new Linux on IBM z16 Platform

With the recent 0.32 release of Eclipse OpenJ9, the JITServer technology was officially released and made available for the Linux on IBM z System/LinuxONE platforms. This release also coincides with the recently launched IBM z16 technology. This blog will provide an overview of the JITServer technology and demonstrate some of its key benefits using the…

Innovations for Java running in containers

This blog is co-authored by Hang Shao, Marius Pirvu, Tobi Ajila and Vijay Sundaresan. 1.     Introduction Over a decade ago, the common form of deployment was large monolithic applications that handled all the business logic. In this model applications typically had long deployment windows and they were typically deployed on large on-prem server farms. Since…



With contributions from Hang Shao. By now you’ve no doubt heard of Eclipse OpenJ9 and its reputation for starting applications faster and using less memory. If not, you should visit the Eclipse OpenJ9 Performance page. The Shared Class Cache (SCC) capability is one of the main reasons why OpenJ9 can start faster and use less…

Running Payara Micro on OpenJ9

In the cloud environment, you need to bring up your microservices applications quickly and frequently in respond to user demands. Therefore, having a JVM that starts up faster is important. Eclipse OpenJ9 is a JVM that has a fast start-up performance and a low memory footprint. This post outlines how to improve the start-up performance…


OpenJ9 class sharing is enabled by default

Class sharing is a feature in Eclipse OpenJ9 that improves your application’s startup performance. It also reduces the memory footprint if the same cache shared across multiple JVMs. Traditionally, this feature is turned on by explicitly specifying option -Xshareclasses in the command line. Default Class Sharing Class data sharing is enabled by default for bootstrap…
